Elim Home Project - Elim

Elim Home was started in 1963, when the German Moravian Church identified the need for a home for disabled children.  They are a level 1 BEE, Non-profit organization and operate a hydroponic tunnel project, farming mainly with green beans and tomatoes. This project has 9 tunnels.

The project's main goal is to provide food and work security to Elim Home's residents and staff, not only with direct delivery of tomatoes, but also to generate funds to make the overall project more independent of funding.

  • Direct beneficiaries of this project includes +9 workers and 50 residents of Elim Home.
  • 50 children/residents are provided with food every day.
  • The BOCMA funding and involvement of the BOCMA made a difference in their lives because the assistance played a major role in the improvement of service delivery (produce/farming), improved the breakeven time and increased the revenue earned.

When it comes to selling of the produce grown in the tunnels, Elim Home has a program for own consumption and a program to sell some of the produce to generate funds.

Mountain Mill Dr, Hospital Hill, Worcester, 6850

Phone023 346 8000
Fax: 023 347 2012
Postal Address:
Private Bag X3055, Worcester, 6849
George Address
101 York St, George Central, George, 6529
Phone023 346 8031